About the Author

Whenever you ask Singaporeans what they want to do during a holiday, the answer is ‘Travel loh.’

The Singaporean traveller is a travelloh.

Travelling does something to you that is unexplainable – it opens your eyes to new things, it refreshes your soul, it changes the way we see the world and ourselves, it brings people closer; the list is endless.

I love travelling, and so do you.

I hope this blog will share ideas and information with everyone to make their dream holiday come through. Where to go, what to do, what to eat, what to play, the list is endless.

Drop me a mail on any itinerary, or places I have listed, and let’s get the conversation going. I would love to hear from you.

Happy Travelling, fellow travelloh!


4 Comments Add yours

  1. andy wulur says:

    Great minds always seems to be by themselves…because the rest can only hope to follow, but very few will actually managed to understand, let alone cope. You are not really alone.

  2. mi says:

    Best selling novelists are not made in a day. Good luck to you.

  3. Ngee Key says:

    I’m sure the path you have chosen did not let you down, but instead, pull you up to even achieve greater heights. It’s an honor to be able to see your work and the stories that comes along 🙂

    1. hanjeremy says:

      Thanks Ngee Key!

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